Is it OK for a 17 year old to play Roblox?

Is it OK for a 17 year old to play Roblox?

Is Roblox ok for a 17 year old

Roblox is a platform for all ages where no matter how old people are, they can connect with friends and discover a wide range of relevant, engaging, and age-appropriate experiences. The fastest-growing age group on Roblox is 17-to-24-year-olds and in 2022, 38% of our daily active users were 17 and over.

Is it OK to play Roblox at 18

Roblox offers users of all ages the ability to socialize and play experiences with others in the community.

How many 18 year olds play Roblox

Distribution of Roblox audiences worldwide as of December 2022, by age group

Characteristic Share of users
13-16 years 15%
17-24 years 21%
25 years+ 17%
Unknown 1%


How many 16 year olds play Roblox

Only 14% of Roblox's users are over 25 years old.

Age group Share (among DAUs)
9-12 29%
13-16 13%
17-24 16%
25+ 14%


At what age is Roblox appropriate

How Old Should Kids Be to Play Roblox There is no official age that kids can play Roblox, but Common Sense Media rates the platform safe for users 13+ "based on continuing challenges with problematic content.

Are there inappropriate games on Roblox

Is there inappropriate stuff on Roblox Yes, there are lots of games on the platform that contain adult, sexual, or violent content or content that is otherwise inappropriate for children to access.

Is 20 too old to play Roblox

While the game is designed to keep children as safe as it can, they may still be playing with people who they think are children, but might be adults— there is no maximum age limit on the app.

What is the Roblox 17+ rating

17+ Content is only suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, heavy realistic blood, moderate crude humor, romantic themes, unplayable gambling content and/or the presence of alcohol.

What is the max age to play Roblox

While the game is designed to keep children as safe as it can, they may still be playing with people who they think are children, but might be adults— there is no maximum age limit on the app.

What age limit is Roblox for

Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain moderate violence, light realistic blood, moderate crude humor, and/or unplayable gambling content.

What is not appropriate for Roblox

"Do not swear, use profanity or otherwise say inappropriate things in Roblox." Profanity and swearing are not allowed on Roblox.

Did Roblox allow swearing

You can start swearing. Yes if your roblox. Account is over the age of 13. You can swear on roblox.

Can 50 year olds play Roblox

Content is generally suitable for all ages.

What should parents know about Roblox

User-generated games could expose kids to inappropriate content. One of the main risks parents should know about Roblox are user-generated games, or "condo games," that feature adult content, such as simulated sex acts, graphic images, and inappropriate language.

Does Roblox count your age

Age Verification is a new feature that is currently in testing on Roblox. Age Verification will allow users to access innovative social capabilities and age-appropriate content such as experiences for people 17 and up while also ensuring the safety of our community.

Is Roblox inappropriate now

There is no official age that kids can play Roblox, but Common Sense Media rates the platform safe for users 13+ "based on continuing challenges with problematic content.

How many warnings do you get on Roblox

How many warnings is a ban Roblox Users may be suspended or banned for varying periods of time. For warnings, you get 15 warnings before getting banned.

What happens if you say the F word on Roblox

The f-word can be posted as "F**C". If you're 13 or up (with ID verified), there is a feature called "Voice Chat". Voice Chat allows you to say anything without filter. However, you can get banned for saying bad content with voice chat.

What is the highest age you can play Roblox

While the game is designed to keep children as safe as it can, they may still be playing with people who they think are children, but might be adults— there is no maximum age limit on the app. Considering turning off the chat option and talk to them about the different between a stranger and a friend.

Does Roblox have inappropriate content

Is there inappropriate stuff on Roblox There most certainly is. While there are many fun and innocent games on Roblox, there are definitely risks to watch out for. Some games involve violent content or scary scenarios, for example.

What parents should know about Roblox

User-generated games could expose kids to inappropriate content. One of the main risks parents should know about Roblox are user-generated games, or "condo games," that feature adult content, such as simulated sex acts, graphic images, and inappropriate language.

Should I trust Roblox with my ID

We want you to know that we take our community's safety and privacy seriously, and Roblox never stores raw ID document data. When a government-issued ID is scanned for verification, an anonymized value is generated, allowing Roblox to safely verify identity without risking exposure of the user's real identity.

Is Roblox warning for parents

Many kids love Roblox for its unique open world and endless array of options to play creatively. Unfortunately, parents and safety experts say the features that make Roblox so fun and accessible for their kids are also what can make them vulnerable to online predators.

What is most inappropriate Roblox game right now

Top 6 Inappropriate Roblox Games Parents Should Be Aware of [2023]Survive the Killers: You Can Kill or Be Killed.Fashion Famous: Looks aren't Everything.Club Iris: Club Experience for Youngsters.Obby Games: Super Big Parkour Obby.Boys and Girls Dance Club.Bloxburg: Welcome to Bloxburg.

Do you get banned if you get 3 warnings in Roblox

What happens when you get 3 warnings on Roblox The player's account is banned from using Roblox for seven days (1 week, or 168 hours).